Carry On? Why Not?

By the time that you read this, I will have made my first entry into my dream journal. Which hopefully will give me a clearer indication of what goes on in my mind while I am sleeping. It isn't the first time that I have made a record of the night's work, but in the past it was just random snippets, to go into poems or letters.

Now I intend to bring some riguor and some organisation to the process, I have set aside a book and pencil to use for the process. I have dreamt reasonably considerably during the last few nights, perhaps because, a few days ago, I gave myself the intention of starting my dream journal today.

What do I hope to find, other than building a dream history to look back on in my dotage? Well, the dream journal is a prescribed precursor to Lucid Dreaming, which I intend to start in four weeks time. From the two combined I hope to gain an insight into a part of my life which at the moment is mostly passive.

I want to establish an understanding of, and make use of, and enjoy a part of, my other consciousness which at the moment almost entirely escapes me. I particularly want to raise the questions of who I am, and what more am I capable of achieving, in the remainder of my life.

I am inspired by a film called REM which I watched recently. It was about an architect, a very busy architect actually. I guess he his a similar age to me. The programme focussed on his work, and his thoughts about his work.

I was fascinated by the length, breadth, and depth of his achievements, and his insights. He closed by talking about architecture's future, the future of the wider world, and his own future; he is determined to keep going forwards, so I thought, why shouldn't I.

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