Creme Brûlée...Yes

Unable to go to a restaurant we decided to have a 'date night' in, which would include a special meal. The evening began with a quiet conversation, mainly me explaining my understanding of dream journals, and lucid dreaming, as taken from my two sessions at the Jungian Platform Summit.

Then the cooking and the eating. I had venison steak, with baked potato and crushed Cornwall sea salt. The meat, which had been fried with onions was both succulent and lean, why don't we eat more of this I wondered.

After the main course we took a little break. I found Christopher Eccleston's mini-series Safe House on Netflix. Isn't he just the master of the bewildered, what do you mean, look? As the first episode began our Creme Brûlée came out of the oven. Of course, we had to let it cool.

So fifteen minutes of expectation, which wasn't too bad because it took so long to get into the stalker story. It wasn't a great series, maybe the special dessert distracted our thoughts. We won't do this every night but as an experience, I would recommend it.

My team, Sheffield Wednesday, were prevented from playing due to the Covid virus. So my Saturday routine had been forcibly changed outside my control. Instead, an afternoon bath using the Molton Brown Christmas presents. What do they say about every cloud having a silver lining.

And finally just to say that it was our friend John's birthday for which we gave him Bloom by Beau Taplin. Unfortunately due to copyright reasons I can't show you a poem from that collection, but here is one of mine from my Pisa and Florence book.

Lift Up For The County

Today is departure day
To the station
To the airport
To the car
To home

But first the check-out
Then the breakfast
Then, so I am told
We will walk
Carrying our cases to the station

Past the gallery
Where we saw Giorgio Morandi
Or at least his works
For his quiet life
Is well and truly over

That I
A country boy from Yorkshire
Should talk of such
On the very day that a near neighbour
Is crowned Poet Laureate

Although the truth is
That he has acquired
A deal of sophistication
Since the writing of those moon-raker
Nights and days

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