Follow? Why not?

My Twitter and Tumblr friends send me images of sunrises and sunsets, way better than ever I could have taken. They post snippets of poems and words of inspiration; why shouldn't I smile. And occasionally they say they like something of mine, which of course lifts my spirits no end.
So, why not use Twitter, or Tumblr, why not expand and explore the world via these beautiful, wonderful people, who want to make the world a better place, beginning with themselves.

Also to the writers, such as Nikos Kazantzakis, whose Report to Greco I have been reading for the last year and a half. I am about halfway through this journey of a life, which is written in a beautiful and compelling style.

Another book, this time a Christmas present, is Joseph Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces, thus far it has inspired me each and every day of reading, may that long continue.

My friend Peter Conner has rolled all of his 'stuff' into one website:
Of course I am biased but I do think it is a neat idea, and well worth a look, as is the Versal Editions prize winning poet Fee Griffin's collection for work / for tv.

That's it for today, just a brief glimpse of my life to add to this journal, which, quite surprisingly, continues to attract me. I will though close with a poem, written in the hospital waiting space, before my CT Scan.

The teasing continued
Although you always thought
That beneath the superficial smiles
There was a desire
For a deeper association

That it didn't happen
Could fairly be said
To be a two-way conundrum
You didn't lower your guard
To ask her out, and neither did she

Even years later
When you met her again
When she was going out
With your friend, who to be honest
Was a bit of a wet, a make-do man

Still you did not step forwards
Letting yet another opportunity
Pass you by; ships in the night
And all that. Heaven knows
How you ever found a girlfriend

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