Free Summit, Yes!

Yesterday I attended the first two sessions of the Jung Platform Free Summit, Dreams and Your Personal Journey. Despite the slight technical hitch at the beginning, which of course I thought was down to me, or our internet. But no it was just Jung Platform's capacity being swamped by the ever so many people wishing to sign up.

John Van Eenwyk expertly presented Introduction to Jungian Dreamwork which included my first exposure to big dreams, personal dreams, sequential dreams, and, best of all, simultaneous dreams. He then went on to talk about dream journals, and how to prepare for the dream, and the many ways to record, develop and evaluate the dream, as a way of extending the dream might I add rather than a way of understanding the dream carte blanche.

I was so impressed that today I will sort out a suitable notebook to become my dream journal, or I might buy a new one for such a prestigious purpose. Next Monday I will begin. The first step being to write in the journal, just as I go to bed, about the day just gone. This will serve as a reference for whatever the dreams bring me by Tuesday morning.

Next up was an interview with Clare Johnson talking about Lucid Dreaming as a Way for Personal Growth. Wow was this insightful or what. Clare is clearly deeply committed to her work. She is the first woman to complete a PhD on the subject and led us through a full scenario of the ways, means and benefits of Lucid Dreaming. No surprise that I am going to start this, but first to buy her book, or sign up to one of her own courses.

I look forward to doing meditation, and creative writing within the Lucid Dream. Maybe you will tell me its had an affect. I aim to start in about 4 weeks time, and most definitely with a new notebook!

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