The Best Delivery?

Yesterday I received a personal delivery from Mark Merifield, of Off the Beaten Tracks fame. He brought me songs and instrumentals by Adrianne Lenker, which I found on the OTBT website in a way that I wouldn't have found anywhere else. Top marks Mark.

I also began my dream journal, where I captured a couple of dreams which would otherwise have been lost. Both times, at the instant of waking, I thought oh no, no dreams to record. But fortunately, within a couple of seconds, the details, of what at first seem like pretty insignificant occurrences, came to me. Only time will tell, but as these are the first entry they will always hold a special place, perhaps also because Richard, who I was best man for nearly fifty years ago, made an appearance.

I had, the previous evening, entered what I thought to be a few notes about my day just gone, along with an intention for my dream. I have to say that I don't yet see any correlation between the before and after experiences.

One of the day's events had been the delivery of Clare Johnson's book about Lucid Dreaming. It is a heavyweight publication, both in form and content. Of course, I began reading it straight away, how impetuous am I.

Anyway, I partly consider this new journey, towards enlightenment, to be the reason for my aha moment in this morning's writing meditation, when truly, from almost nowhere, other than the universal consciousness, a smile came to me.

It will be some time before that writing is gathered into a collection and published, in the meantime here is a poem from the first collection of writing meditations:


I write to you
To invite the world into this world
Of my imagination, into my mind
Of obsessive delusions

Yet I also hide 
Yes I hide from this world
Anyone who might be tempted
To look into my imaginary world

I invite and I hide so that I might continue
To write to you, with you in my heart
Also, also to so so show my hesitation
To indicate my lack of sure-footedness

Yet the love pushes me on into a free flow
A gush of desirous emotions
I let the sand run through my fingers
As we tease each other on the beach

I ask the sea to wash over our feet
As we walk slowly along the water’s edge
It is a dream of togetherness
A landscape of something once well within our reach

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