Warmth, don't you just love it?

I have in mind to buy a new wood-burner for the old stables, the old one simply is not warm enough, especially on a beautiful frosty morning as today. I had the wood-burner so much on my mind, also the cost, and the work involved, that I could not focus on my morning meditation.

Instead of finding emptiness, I was seeing the shining steel door handle of the new wood-burner. Instead of stepping into the peaceful presence, I was seeing the bank account dwindling. And what, with the Christmas bills now arriving, it is already being not so silently stretched.

Yet the wood-burner which I have selected is half the price of our old one, which of course on its own makes one doubt the possible efficacy of the new device. Should I stick with what I know, or should I follow the reviews, even if most of them talk about the speedy delivery rather than the heat emitted.

I am thinking of mid to late February for the installation, it will be a two-man job, although most of the infrastructure is already in place. Afterwards, I will have a spare, small wood-burner; I wonder if it could be converted into a garden heater, or donated to a more worthy cause. Those of you who follow the likes of freely given ought to keep your eyes peeled, come the month of March.

The original was installed in 2015, here is a poem from around that time:

These Words Lost There Way

Four poems for a Friday afternoon
Four poems freed from inner gloom
Four days between now and then
Ninety-six hours to wonder when

First night, in that conference place hotel
Last time here I was somewhat maudlin
Took myself a little too much of the drink
So tonight it's a sauna and ice-cold coca-cola

I am not a thin man, by any means
Yet lots more are heavier than I
I aren't a sensitive man, it's not in my genes
Yet lots more are less considerate than I 

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