Excited? I should say so

I have an urgency this morning. Yesterday I began modifying one of my websites, and I am rather excited by the progress. I am using new software, new to me that is, but also new to the company making it available. For those of you who understand such things, I am using a beta version.

Which of course means, that if I do make mistakes, I might not be entirely to blame. That thought gives me some comfort as I plough on. One of the things missing from the programme is a method, and an explanation, of how to post the finished work to the worldwide web. But hey ho, one step at a time suits me fine.

The dreams are coming on apace, though it does mean me not rising so early, because some of the more lucid, or vivid dreams, arrive after the alarm goes off when I return to dozing or sleeping. I'm sure there is an explanation, but I won't go in search of it just yet.

The manager, or the coach, of the team which my team beat last night, blamed it on the propensity of youngsters in his side. Odd I thought when the manager of the team who scored nine goals last night, often talks about the brilliance of youth in his organization.

I didn't write poetry as a young man, but I did write poetry reflecting on my life as a younger person, here is something in that ilk:

Consideration For An Older Man

One frosted window
One breath of fresh blown air
Care there, within you
A most
Neo non-revolutionary stare

Given, and never forbidden
The prayer to bring you
For soldiers and sly ones to care

Tensile gentleness
Tender in your every touch
You dare
To be your own one person
Stand tall, always, and everywhere

Time changes
So you easily explain
Without attack, forgiveness even
That the most wilful act was taken
Such that we shan’t ever go back

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