In At The Deep End!
I had my first officially recorded lucid dream last night, recorded by me that is. I was by a bar, in a big upstairs room which I can't yet place. The dream went on but that is for another time, and another place, a more discreet time and place to be honest.
Breathing and smiling
The dratted website work is keeping me from the blog. This morning's idea was to have four levels, at least 4. Each of which would reveal a deeper level of I as a person, and we as a people. Yes, you are right, I am losing my mind.
I think what makes an obsession out of the work is that I can't see an end in sight, and also I do keep being asked: what is its purpose? Of course, has Chumbawamba sang: I get knocked down, I get back up again.
But this is not a diary is it, it is a journal, so if I skip a couple of days I can always make that up, can't I? The answer is yes if you were wondering, especially if I could make it up with something interesting.
This morning's interesting activity was my reblogging of a boatload of images from my twitter site, each of which brought a little bit of beauty and joy into my world, you might have a look for yourself if you need a bit of an uplift.
On the other hand, you could just read the poem:
I write to you
so that I can
keep on writing
so that I can
so that I can
enable my imaginary life
to carry on
Breathing and smiling
so that my mood
might match up
might match up
to the morning light
with the beauty and joy
with the beauty and joy
of belonging
That you know not
of my partial belonging
of my partial belonging
is a great pity
but, as a believer
but, as a believer
in my own self
I have the belief
I have the belief
that somehow
we have
we have
a splendid connection
You are
my greatest resource
always you take me
always you take me
to the new worlds
even when those worlds
even when those worlds
are of the old times
in our old places
where we did
where we did
for a while
in the depth
of togetherness