Leave it Be. But You Cannot!

This is nuts. I haven't completed the first draft of the website, yet already I am doing a rewrite; with a new name, and a new web address, which I will let you know just as soon as it becomes live.
It is the levels thing, which I think I told you about before. Anyway, it's been nagging at me, it's in my dreams, and now it's interrupting my morning meditation; I had to do something about it, so first thing this morning a new domain was purchased.

Meanwhile, I look at Wilhelmina Barn's Graham's print Eight Lines, Porthmeor 1986. It calms me, as well as taking me right back to my fortieth birthday when I sat beside Wilhelmina in Tate St Ives. We spoke for about half an hour before she pointed to the painting on the wall and said: That's one of mine.

But let's get back to the journal Christopher, who on this earth is interested in your nostalgic travels. Well, my football team lost out in a very dreary game; why do I keep tipping up my £10 to iFollow, is it just to avoid watching The Americans.

This afternoon we have The Arts, a place where a few of us show off what we are doing at the moment to keep ourselves sane, or should I say what we do to show off the depths of our current insanity.

Today I am taking my Artist's Presentation from the forthcoming website, just to test it out if you know what I mean, certainly no showboating. This reminds me, I do need to conclude with a poem, here goes:

Walking, To The Harbour

A few fine moments
Once more quaintly stolen
Fallen at your gate to call
What is the state of my nation
What might I create, or re-create
Before the very next station
What love of life
With life of love
Is there then to be

I am not running
I’m not even walking
Where I am is where I am
I am here
It is also true
I am not too too much for going
Yet that does not fix the writing
That does not stop the scribbling
Which carries on day by day

There it is
Set out in the open
Still it seems
I am too scared to stray
Yet, always still, I am hoping
All the blazes, I am searching alone
Out of phase I search for the sunlight
That magnificent morning glow
Which once I saw
On your harbour wall

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