Follow your...

The dreamwork is coming along nicely; already I am at over sixty days of taking notes, although as yet I have not spent much time in dream analysis, other than to be thankful for a new variety of dreams, which have moved away from work-related situations.

Meditation is also proving fruitful, the process now includes writing, reading, and listening to music, as opposed to following guided meditations performed by other meditation teachers. No doubt I will return to their wisdom, but for now I am enjoying my own practice.

I came across Gesture when I was looking back at the Poetry Otherwise course which I attended in 2005, led by the inspirational and well-loved Paul Mathews at Emerson College.

Paul has a link to Rudolf Steiner House on his website from there I found Goethean Psychology, and a workshop with Graham Kennish which I duly signed up for.

I learnt, or maybe I learnt again, that gesture accounts for a very large part of our means of communicating with each other. In the workshop we used various gestures; we also, successfully, did three exercises that showed the power of gesture in an almost therapeutic way.

I will follow this up for sure, also when we are allowed to travel again I will visit RSH in London; who knows what other treats may be in store, all thanks to a little bit of serendipity.

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