Might I, Might We.

That I have felt the good life in so so many places
That I have traced love-lines on so so many faces...
Where does one go
When one has been gifted these opening lines...

Those lines followed the reading of The Nightfisherman
Selected Letters of W.S. Graham
W.S. Graham
Edited by Michael Snow and Margaret Snow

The blog isn't in any way a letter is it
So how to be so personal
So sincere
As when writing letters to a friend

To be able to work through
The joys and the sadnesses
The peaks and the troughs
Of the mental and physical tortures endured

In my case, to listen to Love's Born Again
From their Forever Changes album
As I lay in the warm bath
Smothered in Molton Brown fragrance

Is there any need for a poem today? I suppose we must:

Might I write of you
As I write
Of spring entering summer

Might I write of you
As I observe
The words of Pablo Neruda

Might I think of that place
Beside the apple blossom
Where we might lay together

Might I think of that hut
Which, with a lover’s touch
Could easily be constructed

For no practical reason
But to sit in, to write in
To make love daily

Might the timbers
Give us their sap
Might we thus grow

For no other reason
Than to be nearer to each other
Nearer to love

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