Queens English

Circa 10:00AM to begin the installation of the new wood-burner, brought forwards by one hour, thanks to yesterdays laying of the support tiles.

There is a little bit of excitement; just imagine the Old Stables now warm in a trice, instead of never getting warm with the old stove.

Then imagine that come October, or November, or December time, when we can all go out and about again, doing whatever it was that we used to do.

Although now of course we will also have to be on zoom, so that those folks from out of the locale's earshot can still reach us.

And after my football rant the other day we have a new manager, he sounds like a good sort, and he is already talking of us fans as the 'army'.

I think I'd better draw a line under this, can't have too much good news in the one day now, can we. Here's the poem:

Good News Kept Quiet

I'm sad that I can't tell you
It's just that I don't know how
I'm not the only one trapped this way
As a congregation, we could take a bow

I should be so happy to tell you
It's just that I don't know how
That's me over there in the corner
Searching for the here and the now

They said that it would get easier with time
They said I would become more settled in my mind
Yet I can't but help to keep on writing this line
You see it isn't at all clear, it's cloudy, it is not fine

I've capped off all the entrances
Built up substantial walls and solid fences
Made my defences firm with solitude
Hey Jude I don't know how to make it better

I want it to mean more, I want it to mean less
I can't work it out, I can't even second guess
I've burnt all the bridges, learnt to suppress
Alone along the ridges, dishevelled and depressed

The baby he his born now, I hope he is well blessed

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