
The temporary log store is demolished, three years is long enough for some old fencing, and plastic sheets, to obscure the view.

And what will we repair the area with; decking, to the floor and the wall, or more slabs of concrete, or imitation stone. Certainly, the washing line must be moved.

Also work is required in the old stables. Yes the wood-burner is installed and burning wood, but more is to be done, with the first spring clean in over thirty years...oh sorry I was singing along to Rod Stewart.

Actually, I was listening to Brian Eno, it's very much been his day after last night's video of his career from Roxy onwards. Brilliant Programme, immense guy. Watch it if you can, it's on Amazon.

No midweek football this week, so no defeat to look forwards to; is it forwards or forward, I was pulled up about that yesterday.

Here's the poem:


Should I begin with the roof-light

Or the wood-burner

Stood on a slab of Derbyshire stone

Itself supported by small pyramids of wood

Maybe the roof-beams

With their bright, and rusted, fixing bolts

Or the small patches of raw stone

Left without plaster, for visual effect

Actually I need to tell you

That the room has seven walls

Some long, some short, especially 

Around one of the three doorways

The largest of which is a double-door

In the style of French Windows

Which looks out onto the large garden

Where the leaves waver in the breeze

Oh, and by the way

The ceiling has five surfaces

Two flat, three sloping, above which

There is only sky

Sky from which the light falls

Sky from which the rain falls

Sky which I can contemplate

As I look through the roof-light

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