Tidying Up, Finishing Touches!

The double-gang dimmer switch (leading-edge) is on order, to be collected in the morning when hopefully it will be light enough to turn off the electricity into the Old Stables and bring a new light experience inside and out.

The two Roxy compact disks have arrived and are now on iTunes, and on the iPod via playlists. I have also written a short note, about these minor luxuries, on which I fritter away my minimal funds.

Image courtesy of Mick Haupt on Unsplash

The tables have been moved into an (almost for certain) final position. All now to do is to find a place for all the things that have gathered themselves onto the said table during the reorganisation.

A reorganisation which is in effect a return to the original layout of several years ago; yes, we are all at our most comfortable with familiarity are we not, certainly this particular chap is more at home with what he knows.

Here is a poem from this morning's creative writing gathering where it was well-received, if in no way understood:

For Me My Stem It Said So

Again then

My stem

Stated not to name

Tension climbs the spine

Pulls right across the shoulder

Brought on by

Being of the bold

In the middle of nowhere

The water

Runs slowly into 

The drain below

Below the wisteria

Below the bamboo cane

The clay and slate rotate

In some forbade rectangle


It’s not too late 

For you and Mr Bojangles

A corner light, a mistook sight

Mistletoes of Spanish rain

Temeraire from County Clare

The swollen peace to sustain

The clock ticks

The room is cold

Olden days

Are over

Silence is the pastime

Write once more the last rhyme

Onward the beach wise drover

At loss of heather and clover

Carriages and crucibles

Rubies and cubicles

Statuettes of liberation

The siren and the seagull

Drift through shores of evil

From wave to wave

They crave

Until the neaps

Fare full

Carved wood

Fallen leaf


By the thrush

It is no shame

Then not to name

For me

My stem

It said so

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