Video-Poetry, to die for, well almost.

Is Adobe Premiere Elements just too clever for its own good, are there just so many checks and balances which it performs that it becomes almost impossible to use intermittently.

I say this because after a period of not using it the re-learning curve is almost not possible to master. What causes that awful ringing noise when I try to record a voiceover, what have I overlooked, for surely it must be my fault.

And away from audio, pray tell me why when I adjust a clip in pan and zoom does it then change the clip length on the timeline; which is the master and which is the slave (yes, I know that Adobe is the master and that I am the slave).

Finally, because the rant makes me ever more angry, why does the time to do a task have that wonderful ability to not be in real-time but rather in Adobe's flexible-time which elongates as and when it wishes.

All this when I should be celebrating Sheffield Wednesday's first victory under our new manager Darren Moore, especially as it came against our supposedly high-flying neighbours Barnsley FC. Good on you Darren.

Here's the poem... and a link to the video

Before The Book Before The Thought

Admirers of Abstract Painting

Always, from as long ago as I can remember, before the book, before the thought

Free Verse

That’s a new concept, or was until a few weeks ago, now I find it’s what I’ve always done, before the book, before the thought

Corbusier Armchairs

Was it Conran, or Habitat, anyway it was a good while before IKEA, before the book, before the thought

Houses with Plain Walls

It began with Anaglypta, after the flock; but pretty soon it was painted plaster, before the book, before the thought

No Ceiling Roses

We had to wait for the technology, even now, sunken spots are not easy, before the book, before the thought


Admirers of abstract painting, free verse, Corbusier armchairs and houses with plain walls and no ceiling roses

courtesy of

Linda Grant

Sexing the Millenium1993


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