Exhibit and Retreat

This is not a promise, no. Neither. is it any sort of commitment. But it is another journal entry, one day after the last one, even if the layout, or the house style, has been changed.

I was forever having to reset the typeface with the last one; hopefully, this is a little better formatted, software-wise that is. That is now, what I see is what I get, not what I see becomes the basis for something other.

The poetry is still being written, even after the positive criticism, which in itself sounds a bit like an anachronism, if that's anywhere close to being the right word, or of the right time.

Image courtesy of Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash when searching for Anselm Kiefer

Anselm Kiefer is absorbing me a bit at the moment, I have been looking at his, mainly lead-based, exhibition at the White Cube gallery. Without doubt he is an inspiration, if somewhat prolific.

Talking of inspirations I have been listening to my playlist Cotton, based on Sam Baker's song of that name. Right now Robert Plant sings Cindy, I'll marry you someday, it's from his Band of Joy album.

Finally just to give the thumbs up to the BBC's excellent Brotherhood: The Inner Life of Monks, a well-told story told rather well in my opinion. And with that, I am gifted Bill Callahan's The Wind and The Dove, complete with oriental instruments.

Here is a poem from 2016:


Gathered souls, gathered today
Collected from many, to gift away
On the breath of the leaf

That one petal, afloat on the breeze
From one winter, and towards one spring
Without noise, nor neither disruption to leave
The silent flower, from bud did begin

And out in the distance
She walks by moonlight and snow
Sending the photographs, of absence
And the silence she hopes to bestow

And up in the dales
With dark skies and pours of rain
He catches the light, neat light
With the silence of slight refrain

Gathered souls, gathered today
Collected from many, to gift away
On the breath of relief

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