End of Season Journal

Blue sky mind spans two days, what with the bank holiday, and the Kärcher work preparing for the gravel and the decking extension. Although in typical holiday weather style, the wind, and rain brings our outdoor work to a close.

What brings this need for continuous change. What drives, or motivates us to spend our time in making our space a different space, rather than to spend our time enjoying that space which we already have.

After a day and a night of wind and rain, the blossom has covered the garden. It is as if May has become the month of April showers. Yet the dawn chorus is still in full song, well before 5AM. The dreams are of reciting and listening to poetry.

Even the weekly submission is becoming difficult to remember, focussed as I am on the other day to day living. But today is my second vaccine, so a clear date worthy of record, though not looking forwards to the after-effects. Will there be another sticker.

We did get relegated, which means league one football for SWFC next season. But hey ho we did get promoted from there in living memory. My brother and I both agree to be season ticket holders whenever the new season begins.

Here is the poem:

Two people one language

I think it was a Buick 45

A Buick 1945 eh?

Well it could have been 45, but I thought it was after the war when they started making them

Which war was that then?

I don’t remember wars too well, but this was not a war with me and Judy, this was a world war

And what caused it?

Well, the war with me and Judy had something to do with all the girls liking Buick 45’s

All which girls?

Now, I don’t want to get too close here, I might say something that I might regret

You? Regret something! 

When did you ever regret anything?

It was a long time ago

Nobody needs to get hurt now

You know how your memory is unreliable; you always forget people’s birthdays, particularly mine

Now I’m confused, I thought your birthday was October, was that Mary?

Of course now you are probing my memory, but there are some things of which I’m certain

No, my birthday is in October, but don’t bother to start a guessing game

Well that’s what it was, people second guessing

If I tell you, will you buy me a Buick 45?

That would be confessing

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