Quiet, Peaceful, Loud, Obsessive

The new quiet room is completed. A trip to IKEA provided the mat for the floor, the fabric for the wall, the table for the stereo, and, on a previous visit, the lamp for illumination. All ready for this mornings meditation, in a new place of spacious awareness.

This then, thanks to the week of rain showers and thunderclaps, a welcome break from the decking project, which was, without doubt, the explanation for my fingerprint being worn away, to such an extent that my computer could not be unlocked through the fingertip recognition method.

Image by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

Spring cleaning has also got underway in another area, thanks to WordPress deciding to not allow me to post to any of my sites. I'm sure it's just a glitch, but in a fit of pique, I decided to clear them all out! Job done, christopheratcoastmoor.wordpress.com is no more.

Christopher has he was at christopheratcoastmoor

A seriously late start to the day, mainly thanks to last nights viewing, until after midnight, of six straight episodes of Spiral. We are now up to series 7, recorded in or around 2017, so almost in real-time. But still no nearer to encouraging tourists to return to Paris.

Here is a poem gifted through the recent meditation process, there is no title as yet, but the book is to be called Poems From A Dark And Quiet Room:

he wasn’t aware
if his vertebrae
stacked up straight
or if all of his disks
were truly in line
but what he did know
was that love
would play a part
in the telling of this story

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