The decking project is delayed. My son, the young, willing, and strong assistant lives in Kirklees where they have been told not to travel. Instead, it is a run around the DIY joints to find a cement mixing tray, eventually sourced at Louth Building Supplies, which, as it happens, is the nearest one to us, so why didn't we go there first?
The quiet room's outside wall is to be painted (the one with the door). White is the chosen colour. I am also thinking that there is an idea afoot that the wall opposite the utility might go the same way; it's not my idea so a bit of negotiation needed. But the suggestion of an Acer in a pot (Acer palmatum dissectum Firecracker - Japanese Maple) has been agreed upon, but not in that pot!
The best discovery of the day was thanks to those nice folks at sheepinc. My V neck jumper had a deal of pilling as they call it, we might say bobbles. Anyhow they suggested I shave it. And, just as the pretty useless trimming razor was to be sent bin-wards, it found a new role in life. Every cloud and silver lining comes to mind.
The man from BT has been, to connect the Old Stables to broadband, all it could not go ahead today, it seems a new cable is required, which will probably involve traffic management and a road closure. As they say, watch this space, photographs have been taken, and reports sent back to base.
Surprise, surprise, we see two young chaps wandering about the grounds, seems they are here to connect the wires for the Old Stables internet. A few hours of diligent work later and the broadband is in full flow; the boys are off to their next job, saying that they have never been so busy. I say top marks from me!
Here is a poem about communication, or the lack of:
On The Edge Of Dreams
Cereals and hallucinations
On the edge of dreams
And dangerous situations
As the rainbow skies grieve
The piano plays a soft sonata
Blue is up, and now I leave
Woken moments
Stolen times of long ago
Celebration that’s the word I’m after
Broken binds
Wheel the fault-lines of sorrow
Footprints in sand, clay, silica, snow
Sat on the veranda
Down in the Savannah
Prints of indelible flowers
Earth mother
Surely to show
Snow melts
On the photograph
Steam comes to life
Sliding down the walls
Words on wires
A message to laughter
Frigid with frustration
Madness caught out
In isolation
Hallucinatory progress
From the bedhead
On the edge of dreams