Boxed Set

 On the first day of June, in strong sun, after the morning's sea fret we began the next stage of construction, such that by mid-afternoon we had our second planter in place, even with a break for a fish and chip lunch by the canal.

But today the grandchildren are visiting, so the workmen's tools are put away, and the paddling pool is restored to the garden. Though first, no doubt, we will take a trip to the beach, there to lay on the sand to wade in the water.

The beach came a day later, such was the enthusiasm for playing in the garden; we set out under grey skies, yet warm, and when the clouds relaxed their presence the sun was strong enough to leave me with sunburnt feet.

The paddling pool is turned into a washing out area, to release the tadpoles from the algae which has taken over the pond, this then is the impetus for a second pond, without a pump, at the bottom of the garden, for next years frogspawn and tadpoles.

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