Just back from Cornwall

Yes, but Monday morning in the Sailor's Arms in Newquay is nothing like the Friday nights from my teenage years. Still, the surfing schools were busy, even in the wind and rain, and we got a proper pasty to eat on the way back to the car.

Newquay is being extended big time with a Duchy of Cornwall inspired estate, all creams and pinks and blues. But all too close together and more or less all sold, which is a pity because the light is good and Watergate Bay isn't a long drive away.

Penzance also looked good in the sun, although the Newlyn Gallery was all embroidery, which I am told is popular now, thanks I suppose to folks staying home. Not really my cup of tea, neither the ice-cream shop, which only dealt in cash!

But joy of joys, a Japanese garden in the neat and tidy village of St Mawgan, also, within walking distance was the best fruit scone with jam and cream in the whole of Cornwall. Good, and matched up by Marija's beef mince and lamb mince lasagne, sumptuous, and I lost two pounds in weight over the week.

Eden Project was blinking expensive, even if Jop paid for me. I don't remember it being an arm and a leg to get in, and it doesn't look like too much has changed. Six hours in driving rain to get home thanks to Andrews speedy driving.

And here is a poem from another time near clay pit country:

Breakout (Without Breakthrough)

Everywhere there is beauty

Then, from time to time

One steps into a quiet place

Where the light shines less brightly

Of course, by now

I choose not, that is by purpose

To visit the darkness too too often

But you know, love, love will have its way

Just as the moss grows

On the tarmacadam path

And the discarded leaves rot

Beside the forsaken branches

Could I say that there is room for two

On this fine and sturdy bench

Constructed from concrete and oak

Fixed to the floor with galvanised brackets

You may sit here, to listen to the river

Also to the aircraft overhead

Which may well once have returned you

To the place of your birth

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