In Times Gone By

I suppose it had to happen, and so, the very next day after my birthday, I missed out on the journal. It is what it is, to use one of the unfortunate sayings of present times. There is no explanation, other than that I was bathing in the love which had been shown towards me.

Also, I was pretty much transfixed on completing my latest website. After truly experiencing the learning by doing way of working, as opposed to the learning by reading the instruction manual method, I am relieved to say that the website is now up and running at

It is all a part of my attempt to keep my brain alert and alive. Is it working? Well now, I wouldn't be the one to answer that, would I? But I hope so, I certainly feel a measured sense of achievement.

Actually, another reason for yesterday's slippage was our Friday Morning Poetry Review zoom session, where I did demonstrate a little bit of brain dysfunctionality but recovered in time to enjoy some neat poetry and some good banter. Thanks to everyone involved.

The website will I hope, in time, become a living and breathing space, a place where visitors can make much more of a contribution than by simply passively reading. I'm not exactly sure how to achieve that yet, but surely by reading and learning, I will find out. Of course, your contributions, as always, will be warmly welcomed

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