Warmth, don't you just love it?

I have in mind to buy a new wood-burner for the old stables, the old one simply is not warm enough, especially on a beautiful frosty morning as today. I had the wood-burner so much on my mind, also the cost, and the work involved, that I could not focus on my morning meditation. Instead of finding emptiness, I was seeing the shining steel door handle of the new wood-burner. Instead of stepping into the peaceful presence, I was seeing the bank account dwindling. And what, with the Christmas bills now arriving, it is already being not so silently stretched. Yet the wood-burner which I have selected is half the price of our old one, which of course on its own makes one doubt the possible efficacy of the new device. Should I stick with what I know, or should I follow the reviews, even if most of them talk about the speedy delivery rather than the heat emitted. I am thinking of mid to late February for the installation, it will be a two-man job, although most of the infrastructure is al...