The Price of Life.

How times change; yesterday I said to Kate: if I give you a pound will you get me a newspaper when you go out, anyway, to cut a long story short, I went myself to the newsagent (Kate says the walk is good for me). The Guardian was £3.20! Wow, when did that change, no wonder their readership is falling. The Yorkshire Post wasn't much better at £2.50 but at least its supplement magazine had a piece about my home town of Holmfirth. Image courtesy of Museums Victoria on Unsplash I wanted the newspapers because I had it in mind to flash out the reporter piece on the website. I thought that reading how other reporters went about their writing might inspire me. You might tell me if it works, or better still you might become a reporter. I so hope others are encouraged to give it a try. Although I have to say the process for me, of putting the piece together, was quite wonderful. Especially re-reading Clare Balding's excellent piece of writing: Feast of action is helpin...