
Another rap across the knuckles for not keeping the journal up to date. It's not like there's so much going on that you can't find the time, it's just that, as yet, the ritual, or the habit of contributing to the journal has. not bedded in. Unlike meditation, which is kept to religiously (non-pun intended), with its own time, and place, and purpose. Maybe that's what's missing here, a purpose; should it be something to look back on in my dotage. Or does it need to be more of a here and now purpose; perhaps to make me smile, or at least to be questioned about what would make me smile. Maybe I could make it a question and answer visitation. Image courtesy of Arno Senoner on Unsplash Along the lines of: what did you have for breakfast, or do you want a coffee, or how does that video look now with the music added. To which I would reply: bacon and eggs, with a slice of brown toast, buttered; yes I would like a coffee; I think the music helps, even if it isn't my...